NOBODY Got the Sx Education in School That Prepared Them For Healthy and Vital Relationships!
We are assembling a catalog of books, recordings, videos, and classes from a top-notch panel of educators for adults who recognize the best years of life are still ahead and want to experience sensuality, healing, closeness, and ecstasy!
Martha Tara Lee (PhD in Human Sexuality, Masters in Counseling, and standup comedienne!) put together this set of amazing programs for your exquisite edification, each 1.5 hours: Pleasuring the Penis, Viva La Vulva, and Festive Fellatio.
Premature ejaculation is a holistic issue, meaning your sexual problems are connected with the body, mind and heart.
Through this program, you will understand and overcome the complexities of PE.
In this exclusive two-hour workshop, Dr. Martha Tara Lee delves into the depths of heterosexual emotional/physical intimacy so you can decode arousal patterns and master effective communication to forge profound connections and unlock heightened sexual experiences.
(Plus Partner Guide)
Coming Spring 2025
The first collaboration of sexology educators Amy Weissfeld and Paul Aaron Travis
Coming Spring 2025
Shocking data reveal that roughly half of all men (age 20 to 90) have erectile issues
Sex-Positive + Body-Pos
authors, counselors, educators, bodyworkers, relationship coaches, lifestyle columnists/activists, academics...
Awakening pleasure and expanding relationship through sensuality and consensuality
Copyright (c) The School For Lovers -- All Rights Reserved
321 High School STE D3-222, Bainbridge Isl. WA 98110 USA