The School For Lovers

Even FORBES Reports...
NOBODY Got the Sexual Education in School That Prepared Them For Healthy and Vital Relationships!

We are assembling a catalog of books, recordings, videos, and classes from a top-notch panel of educators for adults who recognize the best years of life are still ahead and want to experience sensuality, healing, closeness, and ecstasy! Do bookmark and come back soon ☯️

For Vulva Owners

Coming Winter 2024
The first collaboration of sex educators Amy Weissfeld & Paul Aaron Travis

For Their Partners

Coming Winter 2024
The companion book along with an Accessory Guide to enhance your Wand experience

CollabPos Co-Creation

Sex-Positive + Body-Pos
authors, counselors, educators, bodyworkers, relationship coaches, lifestyle columnists/activists, academics...
Are you Collaboration-Pos?

Copyright The School For Lovers -- All Rights Reserved

321 High School STE D3-222, Bainbridge Isl. WA 98110 USA